
Exam success (20 min)

Original price was: £9.95.Current price is: £5.95.


This audio will help you to overcome exam anxiety, enhance focus and boost confidence in your ability to succeed with your exams. You will be programming your mind for Exam success in a healthy and save manner. Listening to my voice and my suggestions you will feel more in control of how your body and mind reacts to exam pressure. You will trust yourself that you have prepare well and you are capable of success. You will be boosting focus and retention while studying for the exam, and all you have to do is listen to my voice!

This audio will help you to overcome exam anxiety, enhance focus and boost confidence in your ability to succeed with your exams. You will be programming your mind for Exam success in a healthy and save manner. Listening to my voice and my suggestions you will feel more in control of how your body and mind reacts to exam pressure. You will trust yourself that you have prepare well and you are capable of success. You will be boosting focus and retention while studying for the exam, and all you have to do is listen to my voice!


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