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“I am passionate about sharing with parents a way to bring babies to life in a calmer and relaxed manner”

‘I had 5 private sessions with Eva from about month 5 of my pregnancy. At first I was worried that I was a little late in learning how to hynobirth but with Eva’s help I soon got the hang of it. I found that there’s a lot of fear based conversation between mums. It seems we have forgotten that birthing is entirely natural. Hypnobirthing reminds you of this. By practicing with Eva and putting the tools I had learned into practice on the day I can honestly say I look back with such warmth and calm. My active labour was a mere 2.5 hours. Having started my contractions around 4pm, our daughter was with us a little before 1am in the morning. Breathing properly whilst convulsing from adrenaline is certainly difficult but without the mindset that hypo-birthing helps you grow I strongly believe I wouldn’t have had the experience I did on the birth-day of our first child. Thank you Eva’

Course Information

 The course is taught during 4 days, each class lasts 2 hours. 

The course is held in the SOUTH KENSINGTON & BAYSWATER area in CENTRAL LONDON in a warm, bright, wooded new yoga studio.

The goal of hypnobirthing is to make you feel at ease and confident while also promoting a simpler labour that requires less medical assistance or painkillers.

“Not all HypnoBirthing mothers aspire for un-medicated birth and HypnoBirthing works wonderfully alongside other medications when needed.”


The next avalaible Group course commences the 13th of April 2024 held on Saturday from 10.30pm to 12.30pm.

For further information about the Group courses please contact me.

Is your NCT group or other group of friends interested in a hypnobirthing course? I can arrange a group course especially for your private group.

Hypnotbirthing is a complete antenatal programme, an interactive, relaxing and very practical course where the aim is to let go all those fears about giving birth, and increase the confidence in yourself and your body.

It is spread across 5 days so parents can process all the information and practise self-hypnosis techniques and relaxation exercises.


The course is taught to a small group of parents and cost £350 per couple.

I also offer private courses (£450) and refresher courses (£90, one hour).

Dates are available by arrangement.

Fear release sessions are available for first and second (or more) time mums!!.

The course can be taught in either English or Spanish.

Your rights as a parent!!

Pregnant mums have the right to paid time off work to attend antenatal classes.

Partners also have the right to unpaid time off work to go to two antenatal classes.

Materials I provide in the course: 

  • The original HypnoBirthing book by Marie Mongan.
  • The Rainbow Relaxation and the Affirmations mp3 or CD. (practise).
  • Handouts that are very practical for your pregnancy and labor. 

What you will learn and practise in the classes: 

  • How most of the time is it fear that causes pain during labor.
  • How to break the fear-tension-pain cycle.
  • To practise self-hypnosis to gain control of yourself and your body.
  • Understanding how the birthing muscles work in perfect harmony to aid the birthing process.
  • To love your body and feel confident with your body and your baby. They both know what to do.
  • Relaxing techniques that will make you relaxed quickly and that you can use later on in life (tantrums,stress!!).
  • To learn to be relaxed during birth and likely shorten the labour.
  • To practise breathing and visualisation techniques that will help you to relax during your pregnancy, labour and birth and in case you need a hospital intervention.
  • Light touch massage to release the body’s natural pain relief endorphins.
  • You will learn to reduce the need for difficult and tiring pushing and therefore reducing tiredness.
  • It will give confidence to your partner during the pregnancy and birth, he will learn too!
  • You partner will practise techniques to make you feel more relaxed during pregnancy and at birth.
  • You will learn Natural techniques to bring labour on when you have exceeded your “estimated due date’.
  • You will learn to increase your confidence when dealing with medical staff.
  • The course will help to create a special bond between partners.
  • To feel happy, content and comfortable after the birth, which can reduce the “baby blues” and post-natal depression.
  • Gaining control of your birth experience, whether you give birth at home, in hospital or via c-section,.
  • Gentle birthing techniques that allow you to breathe your baby into the world without the need for violent forceful pushing.

Questions and Answers

What is it HypnoBirthing and the Mongan method? 

HypnoBirthing is a wonderful way to bring relaxation through your pregnancy and the birth of your child. It will help you mum to feel in control of your body, to you, your partner, to feel like you are part of that beautiful experience of giving birth and for the baby to welcome the world in a more relaxed and calm manner. The Mongan method comes from her founder Marie Mongan and teaches you that, in the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labor. The Mongan Method is the only HypnoBirthing method that is standardise and taught to mums and partners all over the world.

When is the right time to start a Hypnobirthing course? 

You can get the benefits of practising self-hypnosis tecniques any time during your pregnancy, normally parents starts after 20 week scan, but I have parents they joint on late states of the pregnancy, even near EDD too and is fine!

What if I give birth before the end of the course? 

If you give birth before the end of the course, I offer you back the cost of the sessions you did not attend (cost of book & postage deducted).

What if my partner/husband cannot attend one or all classes? 

Couples attend the course together most of the times. There are mums-to-be that attend on their own, and that is absolutely fine: I will give material for the birth companion and instructions on how to share it with him.


Hypnobirthing can be used for any birth and even for a c-section. The benefits are:

– It allows you to bond with your baby before they are born.

– You are able to prepare mentally for your birth, whatever that may be.

– The breathing techniques help you to remain calm, relaxed and slow the body down to facilitate the body’s acceptance of the anesthesia

– Relaxation can help your body to heal easier and quicker

– You can release any fears surrounding the birth.

– The baby will still benefit from the relaxation techniques.

“What you put in your mind your body follows”

What you put in your mind your body follows”

IVF and HypnotBirthing

 Hypnobirthirng can help mums that have gone throught a fertility programm to:

– Regain a feeling of that you are in control of your body again.

– To trust that your body is able to produce all the hormones that your body needs during pregnancy and labour.

– To release any anxiety obtained during to the IVF treatment.

– To focus on your pregnancy and your baby and let go all the fears. 

What is a Fear Release session?

 Either If you are a subsequent mum to be or this is your firsts pregnancy,I offer a fear release session where you can really let go any particular issue from your previous birth so you can then focus on enjoying your pregnancy and the birth of your loved baby. 


You can make the full payment through my website please see the booking online tab.

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