Many people ask me why I am afraid of public speaking, afraid of rejection, of meeting new people, afraid of expressing my ideas, of dogs, spiders, heights?
What is this fear? How does it work? And why does it work?
Let me explain a little bit about how the conscious and the subconscious mind works and how hypnosis can help.
Normally, you are only aware of the thought process in your conscious mind.
Meaning you are consciously thinking over the problems that are right in front of you.
Thinking about where you left your mobile phone, or what food to eat for dinner, this is how your conscious mind solves problems. What’s interesting is that your subconscious mind gets the information without your awareness of its thought process too.! Which is how you get new ideas out of the blue.
But that’s not all, your subconscious mind also takes care of stuff you do automatically for example how you breathe. How you change gears when you ride a bicycle. Therefore, you could say that your subconscious mind is the “Thinking”, behind the scenes.
Hypnosis itself is merely a concentrated relaxed state of mind. It is close to the same state of mind we are in when we are daydreaming or just about to fall asleep. During this state of mind, a door can be opened between two parts of our brain: the highly evolved neocortex and our limbic brain.
The neocortex is the area of the brain that makes us human, this is where we reason and make decisions. Meanwhile, the limbic brain acts as a storehouse for emotional memories. Our behaviour, motivation, long-term memory and sense of smell is also related to the limbic brain.
According to many neuroscientists, our decision-making process has a powerful emotional component. When any stimulus enters the brain, the brain tries to understand it based on previous experiences.
All through our lives, events and emotions create an imprint on the brain, a pattern that makes it hard for our logical part of our brain to get rid of.
This pattern is like a shortcut activated every time we face a similar situation.
For example, if you once had a traumatic incident with a dog or during a public presentation, your brain might harbour a set of these pathways that associate that dog with all dogs, that public presentation with all public presentations making you fear them.
Hypnosis activates the limbic brain where we store and process emotional memory, often uncovering long forgotten memories. Clients at the end of the hypnotherapy sessions often tell me, that they did not remember that specific memory, that they are very surprised that the specific memory came up during the session.
This activation of the limbic brain enables the conscious part of our present brain to temporarily override previously entranced patterns, allowing you to emerge with a new perspective on past experiences and deeply rooted patterns of behaviour.
Dogs and public speaking for example, will no longer be scary once these new connections are created and memories re-evaluated. During the hypnotherapy session I will help you to re-evaluate and create a new response to those fears.
In the hypnotherapy session, I use transformational therapy with hypnosis, you are carefully guided to the limbic brain, where you can target any problem that holds you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Such as anxiety, low self-esteem, stress, fears, or insomnia.
During the hypnotherapy session you will receive positive suggestions that will help you to boost your mind, so you can think better and feel stronger. All the wrong beliefs are re-evaluated and transformed in positive helpful new ways of thinking and feeling about yourself.