This is the time where we look over the past 12 months of our lives and consider what went well and what we need to work on for the year ahead. This means setting new goals or perspectives to be able to improve and better yourself.
This New Year’s, instead of making goals that you know you won’t be able to fulfil and that will be challenging, consider taking a deeper thought into your goals so that you can fulfil the tasks you set and become the best version of yourself.
One thing about New Year’s resolutions is that they can be challenging to complete or stick to. Even though you may be trying to stick to your New Year’s resolution, most of them are forgotten by March. It can be difficult to change patterns or habits that you are used to, meaning most goals are forgotten and the habits reappear.
When we look at the failed goals, we can find patterns on why many goals (no matter the difficulty) backfire:
You’re biting off more than one can chew-
When we set goals, we often concentrate on a specific area of our lives that we want to improve or change in an easy or simple way. For example, saying you’re going to “be more organised” in the upcoming year is very broad. Will you be managing your time well by using a calendar and planners?
You give up on your New Year’s goal because of other people’s actions. It is easier. to break your new year resolutions if the people surrounding you at home or at work do not complete their goals as well!
You try to take on more than you can handle at a time- New Year’s takes place in the middle of the holidays. This means that people don’t have time to relax and recharge their thoughts and decisions before the New Year’s happens. This happens because when the New Year’s arrive, they are very exhausted. If you are not feeling good psychologically, physically, or emotionally when you start, it will be challenging to keep the resolutions you have set for yourself.
So, how can you be able to stick with your New Year’s resolutions so that you don’t have trouble giving up midway? In the following bullet points are many approaches to goal-setting that can help you adapt the wellness in your life for the upcoming years:
- Get a hold of yourself
Pick a line or motto (connected to a topic you want to put into your everyday life) that will give you motivation. If the word you choose, for example, is “mindfulness”, then think about how you can make your choices mirror the meaning of the word. How are you able to make sure you concentrate more to avoid missing things that are happening around you? Doing this regularly will allow you to attract new thoughts, beings, and habits into your life that will complete the goals you set.
- Create small wins inside of the large goal you set
The chances of success do not increase the more the habits are attempted to change at once!
. Focus on a small win after another small win!
- Set up a support group
We, human beings, have been cooperating, making friendships, and connections since the olden times. But nowadays, we have lost a lot of communication. Social media, which is also a helpful item, has replaced being social face to face. These days, many people feel that asking for support or help is a sign of weakness, mostly the men. We don’t want ourselves to be fragile and exposed. Although, honesty and weakness can help build a healthy and joyful life. Working things out in a group or team Is way better than trying to work things out on your own as you can achieve way more as a team, than what you can achieve alone.
- Categorize
Think about setting a personal characteristic goal to improve your health, job, income, or relationships, exactly as you would if you were setting smaller resolutions through the year. You could start going to fitness classes or set a healthier routine, meet up with old friends, and much more. These things are all goals that could improve views of your life.
- Make an unbreakable goal
When you have made your new Year’s resolutions, consider if it is a goal that you can keep for the year. Look for obstacles in your way that could potentially block you from completing your goal.
For example:
You may be going on vacation soon, but let’s say your resolution is that you want to be more fit. In order to achieve your goal, you would have to look for a gym nearby the place you’re staying and also make sure you have time to go to said gym. It is better to be organized in advance when setting goals to make sure that you don’t accidently break the objective you have set.
- Create a new trigger set in your routine
A trigger in our routine can be very helpful as it reminds us to get something done or can change our habits of doing things. To illustrate, my morning routine of working out is triggered when I finish making my bed. For some occasions, when a new habit is being made without a trigger, we tend to not be motivated and not used to it and simply just give up and revert to our old habits.
Goals being set can increase our self-confidence. When achieving a goal that seemed impossible, has it ever made you feel better about yourself?
Keeping a resolution and committing to it, it feels like that as well. When you have reached these goals and it improves your life, it gives you a feeling of success that keeps you going. Achieving something, no matter the difficulty, makes you feel like you can do anything your mind sets you to.
Creating a resolution for the upcoming year is a perfect way to start over and resetting your life. You are the one who gets to choose how the approaching year will be based of your goals. Whatever you want to do, creating and obtaining those goals for the year gives time to get organized.
Hypnotherapy can help you to create new routines at a subconscious level! A new you can be achieved with these new resolutions. New Year, New you!